Dear People of Visitation,
Welcome to the opening of something I've wanted to do ever since I started sending emails of discovered bands back in March of 2006. Well, here it finally is and since it's on the internet that means it will exist forever...or until Al Gore shuts it down.
I started the emails as a solo effort but I cannot leave many of you uncredited. Thank you for all of you inputs and suggestions and keep them coming. One man I have teamed up with quite well is a one Gregarious Lee. What started as 1 is now 2. Greg and I are now officially married. But seriously, Greg and I thought we should team up for this website so here we are as one: Distraction Jackson.
To begin we've got to get the emails that were sent out since March of '06 on the site. The very first email will be published tomorrow. I have about 9 or 10 more that I've archived and I'll post one a day for the next week or two.
Feel free to leave as many comments as you want and definitely shoot out some bands to us via the comments or via the email system. In addition to Greg and I's picks we'll probably be posting other's recommendations as we get them. I actually have a huge archive of bands sent to me that I'll post soon. Now that the site is up and websites are better than email, we'll probably be posting artists more frequently instead of a barrage of artists all at once.
Enjoy the site and be checking back weekly for updates as our goal is to populate this site more frequently than I was sending the music emails. Plus I'm sure it won't take long for this site to add other distractions on it as it's inevitable after watching David Hasselhoffs "Jump In My Car" Tyler