Thursday, February 25, 2010

Carolina Chocolate Drops "Hit 'Em Up Style"

There are so many things to say about this band but I will just say this: they are a roots bluegrass band (jug, spoons, banjo, violin, etc...) that plays the classic bluegrass but also does modern songs like this (and blows it out of the water):

For their full song go to their myspace page.

Grossest Packaged Foods

The title says it all, check them out.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Karate Kid

Reason #43 that Hollywood has run out of ideas for movies: They keep redoing movies that don't need redoing. I have so many other comments about this but it would take hours to write out.

Nickelback lose popularity contest to a pickle

Like the title says, justice has been serverd: Nickelback lose popularity contest to a pickle

Introducing...Your Idiot of the Day

EMBED-Convenience Store Ceiling Leak Surprise - Watch more free videos

Friday, February 19, 2010

Russian Music Video


Regrets: Spoons

By the way, the rest of the "Regrets: " videos are hilarious and even more funny than this one (see "Regrets: Dave Matthews Band", "Regrets: Hobbies" or "Regrets: Boxes") but they can be heavy in the language department, so I won't link them. Traipse at your own risk.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Screams of a Reporter

Real Pair Figure Skating

For all of those that are watching the Pair Figure Skating competitions on the Olympics, let me remind you what real Pair Figure Skating looks like:

Michaels & MacElroy:

Angel & Airwaves - "Love" For Free

My man, Aaron broke the news to me just minutes ago that the newest Angels and Airwaves album "Love" is downloadable free on their site.

If you haven't listened to Angels and Airwaves I recommend you listen to these songs first: (There "I-Empire" album is the greatest album to run to because it feels like a life soundtrack)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mr. Spriggs BBQ

You can conjur up your own thoughts on this: (I have a few thoughts of my own)

Monday, February 8, 2010

My Favorite Super Bowl Ad

This was funny but all in all I feel like most of the ads that made it to tv weren't even watched by someone in their company before being mailed to CBS.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010