I just stumbled upon what is my new arch nemesis in the world. Introducing the coconut crab. Why have we not united as one front to either make these crabs extinct or eat them into extinction? Could you imagine if one of these crab-walked out of the water while you were sitting on the beach? You would literally need a baseball bat, a shotgun or Gandolf to contain it. By the way this crab "is known for its ability to crack coconuts with its strong pincers in order to eat the contents"...last time I checked coconuts were about the same hardness of the human head and contained "contents". I officially hate these and hope they remain around the waters of Australia and never visit me in Virginia Beach.

For more background on the devil beast crab before annihilating/consuming them,
read here.
Oh geez, I hate them:
That might be the scariest thing I've ever seen! Although, I did enjoy this little nugget from Wikipedia:
Coconut crabs mate frequently and quickly on dry land in the period from May to September, especially in July and August. The male and the female fight with each other, and the male turns the female on her back to mate. The whole mating procedure takes about 15 minutes.
They're not so different from us after all!
Who are you to wish the destruction of another living creatures race?!? Sure the are ugly freaky and are the things nightmares are made of, but they live, breathe, and sustain like we do. Don't get on their bad side and they will have no reason to strike out at, these creatures are to be respected just like a dog, or a bird. Because dogs and birds are appealing to the eye, that gives them more value over something that may seem terrifying??? It's not fair to want this race to be extinct, haven't we already seen enough extinction due to human interactions....like the carrier pigeon(i think)??? Leave tehm be and go about your merry little way, there is plenty of violence in the world as is, and we do not need senseless violence for no other reason than because you don't like them, or because they are scary looking!!!
Hey fucker, these crabs are going extinct as it is, and obviously they eat coconuts, so they wouldn't necessarily go after humans unless dumbfucks like you antagonized you. Let's go make you extinct.
These creatures have just the same amount of right to live, if not more of, than you do.
oh my got, somebody (actually, 3 people at least) didn't manage to attend the "understand sarcasm" class.
actually, what you don't know is that coconut crabs are feed on sarcasm. so as you people are not really getting it, they are doomed.
and don't get me started with the coconut overpopulation we will get.
i think they are cute.
I suppose you missed the part about them being the largest terrestrial arthropods
The majority of Americans have officially lost their sense of humor. I thought it was a funny post. Especially about "contents." Clever. Sorry these humorless dimwits don't get it.
100 gallon kettle and a pound of garlic butter
I love how people are just getting me started omg thank you guys, I'm making another post. So Do you think death is a joke?! Do you think it's funny to joke around about killing??? No It Fucking Isn't Funny At All. If I were to point a fucking .45 caliber pistol at your face, pull the trigger and fire a blank round, and laugh saying "it was a Joke, I reall wasn't gonna kill you" Would That BE FUNNY!!! Would it be funny to say that I'm going to kill your loved one, and have you crying in bed all night long afraid that I was seriously gonna kill that person, is that funny. There's enough fucking death in this damn world w/o people making fun about. People die every day, people live in fear every single day of their lives, crying, afraid that this is there last day on earth. If you were to joke to one of those kind of people about, they'd probably break down crying because you're reminding them of something that will cease them being. You're joking about something that ends relationships, tears homes apart, and destroys a person's state of mind. It's ridiculous that can even joke around about something as painful as death. I question modern humor so much, I do.
They have these things on the island of Diego Garcia, where my ship (US NAVY) pulled into. They are not as scary as people think, they are huge... but really timid, and slow too. They are quick to climb back into their burrows, and squirt water at you. They prefer to stay away from people, and dont really like being in the ocean either. It was freaky to find hundreds of cocnuts everywhere ripped up. It takes alaot of power just to peel the coconut, not to mention crack the inner shell. They are fairly impressive little guys.
To all the idiots that are SCREAMING about the extinction issue or the writer wanting them to go extinct...TAKE A FUCKING JOKE!!! GODDAMN!!!
This thread is hilarious! Only the american race would take offence to this sarcastic post. The author has a gift for an art called humour. Which americans dont seem to get. On a lighter note check out the film team america, this sums up AMERICA FUCK YEAH. The world actually doesnt like your nation. Thats just fact. Mainly on the grounds of your loud over excited personas and yes, you go to war all the time murdeing people for weapons of mass destruction. By the way, you never found any of those wmds. Now suck my cock.
I just stumbled across the coconut crab on the web and think they're fascinating.
The writer on the other hand is your typical arrogant and ignorant American, wishing destruction towards a creature that poses no threat only because it's unfamiliar.
You ma'am (is it safe to assume you're a girl?), should stick to your posh condo and let those of us with more open minds explore the great outdoors.
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