Thursday, November 19, 2009

The 25 Most Ridiculous Band Names in Rock History

Great top 25 list here with explanation of how the band got the name and why it's stupid. Short preview:

The story: Lead singer Chad Kroeger was having trouble coming up with a name, and so approached his brother, who worked at a Starbucks. Coffee was $1.95, which meant every customer who paid two bucks got-waiiiit for it-a nickel back. (It was either that or We're Sorry About the Homeless Man Shooting Up in the Bathroom.)

Why it's ridiculous: Asking cashiers at franchise coffee shops for career advice can only end in tragedy. (Kroeger suffered similar woes after getting a Wal-Mart greeter to do his taxes for him, resulting in the repossession of his house.) If you walk up to the cashier behind a Starbucks counter and, instead of ordering a Tall Sumatran, ask them to name your band, odds are you're going to get something giving-people-change-for-coffee-based.

1 comment:

Wes Gow said...

agree with most, but i've always thought "Smashing Pumpkins" was a cool name.