Thursday, May 20, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Pool Jumpers: Catchers of the Ball

(by the way, this is a sketch comedy group doing it's obviously not a real trailer. But it is brilliant the way they did it)

The Best Thing You'll See All Day

Monday, May 10, 2010

News Anchor Criminal?

Homage or Stealing?

Reservoir Dogs

The Lion King

(thanks for this greg)

New Artist Discovery: Mumford & Sons

Really unique and cool band hailing out of the UK called "Mumford & Sons". They carry a style of indie folk rock but they have some really unique sounds. Some songs they combine fast rhythms and an old folk irish/english tune and others they carry a similar sound to The Avett Brothers but with more complete instrumentation. They use the acoustic really well for rhythm and their banjo playing adds a ton, but I think it's their harmonies and singing together on lines that really adds the force behind their music. And I think that's where they are very different from The Avett Brothers. I wouldn't put them in the same category as Avett but I would say they have some similar styles, but if you don't like Avett you could like these guys. Regardless they have a great sound.

If you are just hearing them now no worries, you're not behind. They just released their first official album back last October 2009.

You can listen to them at lala or they have a player on their website...sorry lala took away the embedding so I can't put the whole album on here. I highly recommend listening to:
The Cave, White Blank Page and heck, listen to everything. It's all so good.

(thanks Chad for the heads up on these guys)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Recognize this Pitcher? Billy Ray "Rojo" Johnson

Lt. Dan Band?

I found this little gem this morning. Had no idea Gary Sinise (Lt. Dan from Forrest Gump) had a band or that he called it Lt. Dan Band. Here's the sites explanation as to why he named it that:

"Lieutenant Dan" is the character Gary portrayed in the 1994 film Forrest Gump, a role for which he earned an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor. As Gary began visiting troops around the world, people (even little kids) who didn't know him as Gary Sinise, the actor, would recognize him as "Lt.Dan". Those in the miliary also seem to identify strongly with the character. And so the name for his group was an easy choice: Lt. Dan Band!

I think this is a case of the celebrity taking his status a bit far and paying someone $25 to make his band's website.

"Get Out of There"

Remember the "We've Got Company" compilation I posted last month? Here's a worthy follow up of the phrase "Get Out of There":

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Mousetrap Never Works"

Remember the OK Go video from a few weeks back with the Rube Goldberg machine? Well someone has a parody already...and it's a good one from our youth:

New Artist Discovery: Fun

The name of the band says it all. This is a downright fun band to listen to. The lead singer you might recognize from "The Format" who recently split and formed this new band. They only have one album and it's completely worth purchasing. (thanks aaron for gifting me this gem) The player below will cycle through all of their songs, but it is a must to listen to the second player below which is playing my favorite track: "Walking the Dog".
<a href="">Be Calm by fun.</a>

<a href="">Walking The Dog by fun.</a>

10 Indie Films for the Summer has their "10 Indie Films We're Looking Forward to this Summer". All of them have trailers. Some of them look pretty good.

I wish this one was spoken in American: