Remember the episode of Seinfeld about calling to get the persons voicemail, hoping they don't answer so you can leave a message? Well there is a service that can take care of this pressure for you:
Slydial lets you connect directly with another person's cellphone voice mail, bypassing the traditional ringing process that often results — sometimes disastrously — with someone picking up on the other end.
Users call (267) SLY-DIAL from either a cellphone or a landline, and are prompted to enter another person's cellphone number.
After playing a short advertisement — unless users pay a subscription fee or 15 cents per call to skip ads — Slydial puts callers directly into their target's voice mail.
Recipients should then get a voice mail notification, and sometimes they will see a caller's number show up as a missed call, too.
This has advanced well beyond any social problems we've had before and put us into the social inept status. It's interesting though because sometimes I just want to give someone a message without actually talking to them. Sometimes we don't need to banter, it could be informational and not need a reply. Check out Slydial's site. I agree with their situations.
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